Neufeld Legal P.C. can be reached by telephone at 403-400-4092 / 905-616-8864 or email
The purchase of a business is ultimately driven by the money that is paid in the acquisition and such money is largely obtained by way of financing. As such, the financing element to such transactions is a driving force in its success and failure. Which in turn means that your legal representation on the transaction requires a firm understanding of the financing that is to be undertaken and how it is structured to optimized to the client satisfaction.
Unfortunately, far too many business purchasers fail to engage legal counsel early in the financing process. Instead, purchasers have a tendency to believe that going it alone at the outset will reduce their legal fees, when nothing can be further from the truth. For not only is it generally more expensive to deal with the legal aspect of a business arrangement (financing or otherwise) has been significantly negotiated, the potential to negotiate a more advantageous financing arrangement is substantively reduced when professional counsel is not effectively engaged early in the process.
At Neufeld Legal, we strive to provide timely legal advice with respect to all aspects of business mergers and acquisitions, with financing being a prominent aspect in most purchase transactions. For knowledgeable and experienced legal representation in advancing your business' commercial financing initiatives, contact our law firm in strict confidence, by telephone at 403-400-4092 or 905-616-8864, or via email at
IMPORTANT NOTE: This website is designed for general informational purposes. The site is not designed to answer specific questions about your individual situation or entitlement. Do not rely upon the information provided on this website as legal advice in respect of your individual situation nor use it as substitute for individual legal advice. If you want specific legal advice, you need to engage a lawyer under established legal engagement procedures that have been specifically agreed to by that lawyer.